Art Inspired by Nature and Memories
Talia Drury grew up in the midwest and received her Bachelor's in Industrial Design from Iowa State University and is currently pursuing her MFA in Furniture Design from The School of American Crafts at Rochester Institute of Technology.
She has focused her interests in art and mark-making around her memories outside as a child and her continuing curiosity to learn about what exists outside as she wanders different wooded paths.
 Talia currently resides in Rochester, New York where she continues to make work inspired by seeds and other small objects she finds on her walks.

Artist Statement
Growing up in Iowa, my family has always been connected to the natural world.  My grandma would take me on walks around their wooded property, looking for clovers, gathering nuts and seeds, and talking about the different types of trees and their age.  Her knowledge of plants, collecting, and trees were inspiring to me, and this space became another world that was just a small wooden bridge away.  It led me to come to an understanding that wood was more than just a material.  It is a living entity that exists and has memories just like me, and deserves to be treated with respect and care.
I continue these excursions today and collect seeds, flowers, and natural materials reminiscent of my past memories within nature.  These instances of discovery and memory through small objects are the inspirations for my work. I pull details and information from found materials that seem insignificant but when amplified are unique and beautiful.  Detailed hand carving fills the botanical forms I create.  I focus my work in having a better understanding of what the natural world is, and how to continue to grow this relationship, not only within me, but within everyone else.  I hope to continue to look close within nature, to spot little details of flora and fauna that many might overlook.
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